Estimating Cubic Yards
Formula: (square foot area x depth) / 27
This formula should be used for any bulk material, i.e. mulch, loam, crushed stone, etc.
Measure square foot area (width x length)
Choose the desired depth of material (convert inches to feet)
1" = .08 ft
2" = .16 ft
3" = .25 ft
4" = .33 ft
5" = .42 ft
6" = .50 ft
7" = .58 ft
8" = .67 ft
9" = .75 ft
Square Feet Area x Depth (in feet) = Cubic Feet (width x length x depth)
Divide Cubic Feet by 27 to get Cubic Yards
To mulch an area of 25 feet wide by 50 feet long at 3" thick:
25 ft x 50 ft = 1250 Square Feet
3 " thick = .25 feet
1250 sq ft x .25 ft = 312.5 Cubic Feet
312.5 Cubic Feet / 27 = 11.57 yards of mulch
Estimating Natural Stone
These are approximate estimates. Actual amounts of materials required is based on type of stone materials and construction.
PA Thin and Regular Wallstone: One pallet will build a wall which measures approximately 25 face feet at a depth of one foot.
Irregular Stand-up Stone: One pallet covers approximately 80 square feet based on spacing of stones and joints.
Walls should be built on top of a trench filled with at least one foot of ¾ crushed stone.
One yard of crushed stone, sand, stone dust or loam weighs approximately 1.5 tons.
Wall stone: Length x Width x Depth x 120 divided by 2000 = Number of tons needed.
-One pallet of PA Fieldstone will build a wall approximately 25 feet long, one foot high and one foot deep.Fieldstone used as a veneer: Surface area divided by 35 = the number of tons needed.
Walls should be built on top of no less than a one foot deep trench with 3/4" crushed or washed stone.
1 1/2" Bluestone should be set in minimum of 2" bed of well compacted stone dust. If the subsurface material is a rich soil or clay material it should be removed and filled with compacted gravel.
1 yard of crushed stone, sand, or loam weighs approximately 1 1/2 tons.