

The Advantages of Mulching

Mulch prevents weeds from growing in a planting bed. Mulch not only beautifies planting beds with an attractive layer of material over bare soil, it also has several positive benefits, such as making garden maintenance easier while improving the health of your plants.

Moisture Retention

Most plants need contact moisture for proper growth. Mulch keeps the soil moist for longer than uncovered dirt. The material absorbs water from rainfall and irrigation and slows the evaporation of moisture from the soil. The improved water retention may reduce the need for frequent irrigation, allow you to space out the plant watering longer to reduce water consumption. A layer of mulch also slows erosion by preventing water from washing soil out of the garden.

Soil Temperature Control

Mulch serves as an insulating layer for the soil so the temperature of the ground changes more slowly. Mulch applied in the spring or early summer keeps the soil cooler for longer. The mulching material absorbs some of the sun's rays and slows the temperature increase of the soil. As the temperatures drop in the fall and winter, the layer of mulch allows the soil to retain heat. The warmer soil allows plants to grow longer than they would otherwise, and helps protect plants' roots from harsh winter temperatures.

Weed Suppression

While healthy plant growth pushes out some weed growth, a layer of mulch suppresses even more unwanted weed growth in your gardens and planting beds. Mulch prevents sunlight from reaching germinating weeds so they aren't able to grow. When your weed seeds land on top of mulch, they aren't able to root themselves deeply into the soil, so even if they grow they are easier to remove.

Soil Nutrients

Organic mulch materials break down over time adding nutrient-rich organic matter to the soil. These nutrients feed the plants and organisms. The decomposed matter also improves the soil structure by eliminating hard, compacted soil to allow more oxygen, water and nutrients to reach the roots of the plants.

Below you will find our wide selection of high quality mulch products.

Hemlock Mulch

Kid Safe Playground Mulch

Double ground mulch made with native New England Pine Bark for playground under surfacing to help reduce the risk of injuring children.

Pure Pine Mulch

A highly aromatic double ground fresh pine produced here in New England.

Black Forest Mulch


Landscape Fabric

Flat Shovel

Garden Rake



Mulch Delivery & Pick Up Locations

Landscape Depot Supply offers Mulch at our locations in Shrewsbury, Framingham, and Milford Massachusetts ( MA ). We deliver throughout Metro-West 5 days a week.